Friday, 29 July 2022

Eating "Nasi temuan" between bride and groom.

 Eating "Nasi temuan" between bride and groom.Circa 1959.In Sarawak there is a tradition where in the Wedding Ceremony there is a "Custom of Eating Temuan Rice". It is a competition between the Groom and the Bride. The Custom of Eating Temuan Rice' or 'Meeting Rice' is symbolic of the first meeting between the Groom and the Bride.

The groom and the bride will sit facing each other, then the assistant will open the lid of the rice with a count of 1, 2, 3. The groom and the bride will quickly fight to take the rice and feed it to each other's mouths. Who is the fastest is counted as the winner.

Round 1 feed to own mouth,

Round 2 feed to partner's mouth,

Round 3 feed into your own mouth.

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