Sunday 21 August 2022

Kejaman girl from the upper Rejang

 Photograph showing a close-up of a girl wearing bead necklaces, bangles, a rattan headband and earrings in her stretched earlobes. She has tattoos on her arms, from her elbows to her wrists. The beads hanging around her neck are probably yellow African beads, which were highly prized. 

The rattan headband is typical of that region. The tattoos on her arms were worn to show aristocratic standing. The patterns extend from the elbows down on the arms and from the thighs down on the legs. 

An impression of the pattern was applied to the skin with a woodblock, primed with a mixture of lamp soot and coconut oil. This pattern was then tattooed into the skin using pins.'Kejaman girl from the upper Rejang' by Hedda Morrison,Circa 1949.