If you go to Santubong,dont forget to Visit Batu Buaya.It call as Batu Buaya because some of the rock formation look like a head of giant Crocodile with sharp teeth.And of course there is a legend behind all of the story ,when a warrior cut off the head of giant Crocodile nearby the beach.
Kuching Waterfront New Extension : 2010
Extension of Kuching Waterfront ready in the middle of 2010.It's the 2nd phase of first phase of the Kuching waterfront Project.From the source i re…Read More
Padang Central Kuching
A view of Padang Central sometimes in 1980's.Padang central now known as Padang Merdeka,that area was rename sometime in early or middle 1990'…Read More
Senja di Mukah
Senja di Mukah,dari jauh anda boleh melihat Pusat Pentadbiran Mukah yang sinonim dengan atap berbentuk Terendak Melanau.…Read More
Muara Tebas Fish Vessel
Muara Tebas,perkampungan Nelayan yang terletak kira-kira lebih kurang 20 km dari Pusat Bandaraya Kuching merupakan satu tempat yang agak terkenal u…Read More
Sibu Express Warf
Pemandangan biasa di Wharf Express Sibu berlatar belakangkan Icon Sibu iaitu bangunan Pagoda di tebingan Sungai Rejang.Pengangkutan air seperti ini…Read More
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