Monday, 15 July 2013

Miri Riverbank View From Moving Ship

 View of Kampung Wireless with background of Imperiall Hotel and new Permaisuri Mall.Kampung Wireless is the last settlement at Miri River,few years back there was Kampung Dagang which has been resettled to other place.The reason for the resettlement is for development where Kampung Dagang area will be replaced with Waterfront.Most Mirians assume that the waterfront will be look like Kuching Waterfront..

Time pass by and there is no such things as Waterfront but only shophouses and commercial buildings..
 View of Miri chinese cemetery at Sungai Baong,near to the Chinese cemetery is Moslem Cemetery and there's also Kampung nearby which is Kampung Sungai Baong.During90's and before,the kampung size is big but then become half size because  Government make a new road (currently Bulan Sabit Road near Indoor Stadium)hence,half of the population there resettle to other place,the current Kampung also will be resettled in near future.

Photo Credit to :DinoIswandi

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