Thursday, 25 December 2008

Komuter Keretapi Tanah Melayu

1.Dalam masa sebulan lebih menghampiri 2 bulan aku di Kuala Lumpur ni dan stay kat area Sunway(petaling Jaya selatan) makanya pengangkutan yang paling afdal dan mudah sekali bagi aku nak ke pusatbandar untuk ke PEJABAT dan urusan lain makanya adalah dengan melalui Komuter nih (Commuter).

2.Sebelum ni masa datang ke kolumpo yalah jarang benar nak naik kimuter yalah masa allu pun adalah sebab nak ke rumah Gapar di Shah alam( member sama lepak di Miri) dan adapun jua kalau nak gi Mid Valley yalah naik dari KL Sentral dan tunggu aliran Seremban then turunlah kat Midvalley ,jangan melampau pulak nak tunggu dan turun di seremban

3.Diulang sekali lagi aku memangjarang dulu naik komuter ni,tapi sekarang memang jadi pengangkutan Rasmi dan dah kenal dengan selok belok jalan,rel,keretapi,polis jaga tren,pemandu,suara pengumumna dan sewaktu dengannya.

4.Dan tahap paling tensen sekali menggunakan tren ni adalah kalau masa pagi nak turun ke Kuala Lumpur dan masa Balik sekitar jam 5 petang ke 8 malam.Jika anda ingin nak tahu bagaimana perasaan sardin terhimpit di dalam tin sardin inilah rasanya teramat sempit,hingga aku pernah bersandar mencium pintu keretapi (dari dalam lah ) oleh kerana terlalu sedak dan padat.Apatah lagi wangi wangian yang orang dalam tu.segala jenis wangian ada,dari Arab,bangla,myanmar,melayu,cina ,india dan sebagainya.

5.Macam ni rupanya hidup di Kuala Lumpur lebih lebih lagi kalau guna public transport,yal;ah kalau dulu dulu nak ke kl ni untuk tujuan jalan jalan saja kan tak merasa pun suasana macam ni,stay kat Kuching lagi ok apatah lagi masa aku kerja kat Miri dulu,15 minit boleh turun dari rumah dan siap dapat punch card.Kalau kat KL mimpilah melainkan kita tinggal di pejabat tu jugak.Huhu..Umur habis dalam tren sajalah huhu...

6.To those not from KL and those not familliar what is Commuter of KTM,the tren is blue,grey and yellow in colour.Compare to other tren in KL like monorail,Putra LRT and Star LRT,the distance of the journey is far and the price is cheaper.For monorail.RM 2.10 is like from to KL sentral to Bukit Bintang but compare to Commuter the price is for distance from KL sentral to Shah Alam..and Shah alam is quite a distance from KL area.

7. My stop station is at Stesen Setia Jaya,the fare is RM 1.30,the 7th after Angkasapuri,Pantai Dalam,Petaling,Jalan Templer,Kampung Dato Harun,and Seri Setia,and its Pelabuhan Kelang line.At KL Sentral terminal,pelabuhan Klang Line is at Terminal 5

8.This is ticket Vending machine..alternative for buying ticket at the counter..pergh sometime it take 10 minutes to wait at the counter ecspecially during peak hour time..

Ticket vending machine

Single, Return and Weekly tickets for adults and children are available at Vending Machine. Tickets can also be purchased at ticket counters. If “No change, exact fare only” signs is lit, please insert exact fare. All tickets are in single payment, including trips that require a transfer at an interchange station.

Follow these steps to purchase a ticket:

  1. Select your destination.
  2. Select “Adult or child”. Select type of tickets - Single, Return or Weekly.
  3. If you require additional tickets, select “Add-On”. Repeat steps 1 and 2. To cancel transaction, press button “B”.
  4. Take note of payment required.
  5. Insert coins into slot; 10 cents, 20 cents or 50 cents coins are accepted. Notes RM1, RM2, RM5, and RM10 are also accepted.
  6. Take your ticket. Please check that the right destination is printed on your ticket. Collect change, if any.
haha i'm sounds like information counter)

KTM Komuter route

The following picture shows the KTM Komuter route map. Click on it to see the enlarged version of the picture.

9.Boarding the train (huhu ,i dislike this one)

When the train arrives, please allow alighting commuters to get off first. (But usually commuters who want to go out blocked by crazy commutters)When boarding the train, be cautious of the gap between the door and the platform. A bell chime will sound before the doors close. Do not enter when you hear this chime. When making a transfer, use the route diagram to check for the right interchange station. (But like always people like to stand beside the door..maybe they want to gout easyly but damn it,this cause commuters who want to enter the train stuck outside,and only on this time the KTM auxiliary police whistling and ask commuters to go inside because they is space inside)

  • Do not lean against the doors
  • Observe the Do’s and Don’t’s signs
  • Have your ticket with you at all times
  • Listen for your destination station to be announced

10. But this is the ugly faces of malaysian,law made to bebroken huhu,just give chances commuter that want to gout firs,then you masuklah...hmm and the other things is sometimes senior citizen or mother bringing their child in the train,the other commuters especially the young one just sitting there..buat buat tak tahu je hehe,damn it,no moral at all lah(sama macxam iklan afdleen ramlee hehe)

click here for more about kl commuter and other transportation in KL.. about transportation in Sarawak hmm laterlah..

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Unknown said...

Hi Bro,
Good ,I like to read your post very informatic.
Have a nice day.