Monday, 15 December 2008

Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak

I managed to get pictures of current construction os Dewan Undangan Negeri sarawak,(guys and gals in Internet to whom it maybe concern,again i'm sorry use yur photo )its look like it nearly ready about 78.9 % to my previous post of DUN few months ago now we can see the yellow roof and so look like umbrella and some might says like UFO hehehe..
so its been a months i'm in Kuala lUmpur and not seeing it maybe give me some conclusion it maybe achieved 85% already heheh.Pictures above showing DUN from different perspectives in Bandaraya Kuching.When it ready,the building will become new city icon and state icon too.Like KLCC in Kuala Lumpur,the hybrid Lion Fish in Singapore,Penang Bridge in Penang lah heheh..and after this the Cat statue in Kuching became less glamour besause of this UFO DUN sighting in Kuching ..what i heard that the cost of this building is about 1 billion hahha,rumour or not i just leave ut to you heheh,maybe its sound ridicilous but who's know...huhu
another thing is when this DUN ready,the next phase of Medan Raya or also call as Masja will be started,formerly known as Petra Jaya Boulevard Project then known as Masja by kuchingites because of the Victorian Moorish style that belongs to Masjid jamek erected there ..The word Masja came from :-MASjid JAmek(MASJA). Ten years ago when the so called Masja building was erected,so many roomers among Kuchingites and Kampungians that live nearby to that area,some said its UNITAR building(Unitar now still operating at Jalan Haji Taha),some said it gonna be new mosque(what crazy kah..ther is Masjid Jamek nearby hehe and lots more story thant sound ridicilous and stranger tahn fictions hehe.
After the demolition of SMK Tun Abang Haji Openg(secondary school) there i still remember the future project of that place..its the modern future development for kuching which consisting of high rise building..more than one..and on that time in the newspaper the place known as Petra Jaya Boulevard.Hmm for me sound more like Hollywood Boulevard hehe..
And time pass by ,for 10 years only one building erected there which called as Masja Building and then few years later renamed to Baitul Makmur..wahh in Islamic belief baitul makmur is place where angels pray..hmm ..wah Taib mahmud really get his vision far above heaven..
but even so called that placed as Masja or Baituil Makmur,that place is not good as its name,considered as a bad area.. whereas teenagers ,prankster or gangster wannabe loafing during night time and almost every night you can see the Malaysian Branch of AlQaeda which so called mat rempit that riding a bike like suicide killer squad..endangered other people that want to have peace of mind make bikers a bad name..but i never labelled them as a bikers though..only as a Mat Rempit with Orang Utan IQ(Err orang Utan got IQ??)
so ..I hope after further developed the DUN ara and connected it MASJA area,the mentallity of people going there also must be upgraded into something better and usefull..not use FOOL.And so.this place will be developed again and the next phase already been started,the twin image of MASJA Building already been started.Just opposite to current Masja building.From the information i got that this place gonna be state government office centre.All state government office will centralised to that arae and the federal department office will be centralised at Matang area(Rambungan :Also project basi more than 10 years)
hopefully in future time when medan raya a.k.a masja a.k.a Petra Jaya Boulevard fully completed,there is no more nasty and un neeeeded things there lo...

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