Thursday, 25 December 2008

Komuter Keretapi Tanah Melayu

1.Dalam masa sebulan lebih menghampiri 2 bulan aku di Kuala Lumpur ni dan stay kat area Sunway(petaling Jaya selatan) makanya pengangkutan yang paling afdal dan mudah sekali bagi aku nak ke pusatbandar untuk ke PEJABAT dan urusan lain makanya adalah dengan melalui Komuter nih (Commuter).2.Sebelum ni...

Sunday, 21 December 2008

Tune Hotels In Kuching

Tune Hotel will open next year in Kuching,located just opposite to Hilton,nearby to Kuching waterfront and others hotel and strategicly in the Kuching golden triangle.What i heard that the price of the room is cheap compare to other hotel(like air asia too) but you must book earlier for a cheaper price,let...

Friday, 19 December 2008


Again.i borrow pictures from Uncle Awang blog ,yeah i'm in KL now so i can't took any recent pics from Kuching,therefore i just copy and borrow pics around the internet but for sure i'll give big credit to them and ask permission lo,nanti kenak saman hehe.anyway i just want to talk more about this Bolhassan...

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

To write or not to write

To write or not to write,to blog or not to blog, why do people blog and write,yeah its true half of decade ago or in other word not more than 5 years ago,very less people blogging n internet,why ??because they don't know what is blog and maybe that time they just wrote in diary or journal or just on plain paper,condemning somebody with poison letter or creating nuisance poster around town condemning...

Monday, 15 December 2008

Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak

I managed to get pictures of current construction os Dewan Undangan Negeri sarawak,(guys and gals in Internet to whom it maybe concern,again i'm sorry use yur photo )its look like it nearly ready about 78.9 % to my previous post of DUN few months ago now we can see the yellow roof...

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Meeting SAS Boys

SAS ???bunyinya macam geng komando british je haha,anyway tu adalah kependekan bagi nama sekolah aku dulu Sekolah Alam Shah ,Kulaa Lumpur,Jalan Tenteram,Bandar Tun Razak perghh..panjang dan full pulak lambang sekolahnya hmm..teramatlah familiar agaknya agi student dan ex student,tapi hakikatnya...

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Mentari Court

Mentari Court,di mana mentari court di Kuching? hehe actually mentaricourt memang tak ada di kuching ,cariklah di dalam interet atau peta mana mana pun tak akan jumpalah di mana mentari court di Kuching bahkan di sarwak,jadi di mana mentari Court,yalah sebelum ni aku pun tak tahu di mana mentari court.Oleh...