Old Santubong school.Circa early 1950's,the wall and roof made from nipah leaves. This school building is much more earlier than Santubong District Council Scho...
Old Photo of Kubah Ria and Satok Suspension bridge. Circa 1983.The Old Kubah Ria open sometimes on that year. The Old Kubah Ria building now fully demished and become empty land and parking spa...
Dewan Suarah Marudi. Everybig ciry and town. in Sarawak have their own Dewan Suarah with each of the building have their own architecture. None of the building have the some pattern but all have the same purpose which is became place of meet and place for local having activities such as...
Kampung bako seen from across the riverThe blue building on the hill is the Kampung Surau. There are other jetty use by local sampan peddlar here, not including a jetty for visitor to go to Bako National Park which is bigger than other jetty. Kampung Bako also known as their Belacan trademark...
Entrance gate to Marudi ferry, only certain vehicle are allowed to use the ferry in term of size and height. That is why the warning gate are put there to warn the us...
Premier hotel during construction,Circa 1973.Premier Hotel prides itself in being part of Sibu's history as the first to incorporate high-rise architectural grandeur with commerce practicabili...
A peace meeting ceremony between Kayan/Kenyah of Batang Kayan with the Klemantan people from East and West Kalimantan. The ceremony was held at fort Hose, Marudi.Tama bulan and Tama Kulieng, leader from Kenyah tri be is a key man during this peace meeti...
Satok suspension bridge, Circa early 1990's.The original bridge collapse in early 2000's,earlier than that the bridge has been closed for publics as for security issue.It is not safe because of the rusty part of the brid...
Old Sarawak Map, when it was few division in Sarawak. Samarahan still with Kuching, Sarikei with Sibu and Bintulu with Miri. A few years later, this division divided into new division for the purpose of better administrati...
Marudi air strip, the only plane can landed here is twin otter that can accommodate 20 people inside.And the runway also short,and not suitable for bigger plane to land he...
Miri town in 1939 (based on handwriting on the photo), the building is Government office which is District and Resident office. We can see line of derrick behind at Canada Hill, before 1950's,Miri still produce oil onshore and only after 1950's, oil exploration at sea started.&nb...
People watching Sarawak regatta at hill nearby Sarawak river. The hill probably place where Borneo Company building was and currently Kuching Hilton. Circa 1950...
Odeon cinema, behind the Oriental Emporium and Supermarket. The building was demolished and replace with Tun Jugah Building. This Cinema known for showing chinese movies and sometime showing live performance, either Chinese Opera or Singing/Music conce...
The Tanah Puteh Port built in 1961 was to remove shipping down river from the Sarawak Steamship Wharf and Ban Hock Wharf which had become inadequate for increased shiipping tonnage by that time. The Tanah Puteh Port with longer wharf space allowed up to 4 ships to berth at the same time...
Oriental Emporium and Supermarket also known as Oriental Plaza, a shopping mall in 1980's.Located at current McDonald Padungan building which across Grand Margherita. This supermarket close down in early 1990...