Saturday, 24 November 2018

Bird Eye View of Simpang Tiga Interchange

Kuching,a city well known have many roundabout on their road.More than two decade ago,Kuching have more than 10 roundabout.Most of them big like a soccer field.Most of them so enormous that make you feel exhausted run from one side to the other side.Simpang 3 roundabout is one of them,but the roundabout is like yesteryear stories.Road need to be extend and widen because of more and more vehicles on the road.Government had made flyover here (Or can be call as interchange as interchange road is more complicated compare to flyover).As we can see here,the shape of roundabout still there.

People flock here to Simpang tiga area because of few excuses,yesteryear they only goes to Government Department here and other places surrounding i.e

1.Bangunan Sultan Iskandar
2.Bangunan Tuanku Haji Bujang
3.Land and Survey Department (HQ)
3.Employers Provident Fund / Kumpulan wang Simpanan Pekerja
4.Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan ( For table test,on the road test and renew license)
5.Kenyalang (nearby)
6.King Centre

But now,mostly people not only goes to Government Building ,because some of department have moved to new building nearby Petra Jaya,UTC Padungan and New JPJ at Jalan Kuching-Serian .In recent years,there are new attraction here  including shopping complexes build in this area i.e

1.Spring Shopping Mall
2.St3 (Mall,Cittadell Hotel)
3.Swinburne University
4.Borneo Medical Centre

Hence,other development arise nearby including new shop houses and new business such as restaurant (nearby EPF Building - Across Swinburne and across Spring Mall) including 24 hours restaurant (Atmosferah)  and room for rent (for Swinburne and Other College student)

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