Sunday, 4 March 2018

H.V Maimunah - Kapal Milik Rajah Brooke

Siapa bilang Maimunah laju, Laju lagik kapal Simanggang, Siapa bilang saya Mengkudu, Mengkudu lagik abang seorang. Pantun ini adalah sebuah pantun lama masyarakat Sarawak,dan di dalam Pantun ini terdapat dua buah nama kapal iaitu kapal Maimunah dan kapal Simanggang. Kapal H.V Maimunah (Macmunah)...

Simanggang Town 1965

Ariel View of Simanggang Town in 1965.The town name change to Sri Aman on 1973 based on historical Peace agreement between Sarawak Government and Communist Insurgent which held here.Even though the town has been change,lot of people still use the name Simanggang or in local word Semanggang until...

Sarawak General Hospital

Sarawak General Hospital as seen sometime in early 1900's Sarawak General Hospital seen yesteryear ( 2017) ,this view will be sealed forever as currently new development are made nearby the area.This gate has been closed early 2018 ,the main entrance (at registration counter ) also has been...

Friday, 2 March 2018

Textile Museum of Sarawak

This building known as Sarawak Textile Museum , located across the general Post Office of Kuching and nearby Plaza Merdeka and Waterfront Hotel. Beside this building, there is another historical Building which was a dispensary and also used for High Court office for several decades. The reason the...

The Construction of Historical Building of Central Police Station Kuching

Central Police Station Kuching Building located at old Town of Kuching City Centre , surrounded by other several historical Building ( Old Court House, Printing Office - Later day became District Office,Sarawak Museum,Main Bazaar,General Post Office,St. Thomas Cathedr...

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Pembinaan Kubah Masjid Bahagian Kuching lama

Proses awal pembinaan Kubah Baru Masjid Bahagian Kuching (circa 16.10.1931) Masjid Bahagian Kuching , tahun 1935 di mana Kubah Baru sedang dibina menggantikan Kubah lama. Masjid dan Kubah ini diruntuhkan pada awal tahun 1960an untuk membina bangunan Masjid bar...

Satok Suspension Bridge

The earliest photo of Satok Suspension Bridge in Satok area.Shown here the Steel towers 70 ft high for suspension bridge.After few decades,the bridge close for Public sometimes end of 1990's and early 2000's ,the bridge suddenly collapsed.The only things remain is this Steel towers,one at the Satok...