Sunday, 5 December 2010

Bidayuh Longhouse

Traditional Bidayuh Longhouse is open and conducive for a disciplined, communal way of life where honesty, discipline and deligence is automatically imposed on all inhabitants.
Unlike the Ibans, Bidayuh Longhouse actually consists of small longhouses (a few doors) or separate individual homes placed close together and are connected together by platforms of bamboo. Thus they are not that long, straight and level. Ours can be considered split-level, as we have to follow the contour of the land/hills.
Traditional Bidayuh houses are built using timber frames (post and beams), the wall are made of bark or flattened bamboo, the floor is made of section of split bamboo or flattened bamboo and the roofing is of 'attap' (palm-leaf thatch). Another unique thing about Bidayuh architecture, is the complete absent in the use of iron nails. We use a system of joints and the building materials are held in place with the use of special ropes/rattan.

Unfortunately, you can't find anymore Bidayuh Longhouse in Bau District. There might still be one or two in Penrissen, Pedawan or Serian area.

Kpg Giam in the '60s as painted by Ricky Guing Senen.
This is a painting of a Bidayuh Longhouse. Unfortunately you don't get to see these longhouses anymore. Ricky is a programmer dealing with multi-media in a semi-government agency and in recent years is more involved in Communication, Multi- media, DTP and Public Relations activities. One of his hobbies is painting, so I have included this masterpiece of his here on my page. If anyone is interested in his paintings, he can be contacted

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