Different like what? Cekor area always busy during day and night.During daylight people buy fresh produce there,housewives,retailers and lot more,and during night too..teher's lot of activities here..almost 24 hours..
Chain reaction happened when cekor closed(with along Gambir street market).Night in Kuching nowadays seem quite,during the cekor day,people already start their trading about 11p.m onward.Farmers or middleman bring produce in bulk from farm and trading with retailers or others during this time.In mean time,there is other business here also like selling nasi lemak,burger,drink and others..So people come and go here,buying things and trading or mayb e just pass by here,buying nothing but just walking around with nothing to do ..huhu.
We dont need lot of big supermarket or hypermarket here,maybe one or two is enough..we are not living in Mega cities area like Kuala Lumpur or Jakarta,paris or Nwe York hehe..tourist come here looking for something different from their place have.Supermarket and shopping complexes bigger from they came from.
I have a friend from south america whose work in Kuala Lumpur for a while,she worked in Paris and New York before.When she work in Kuala Lumpur she told me,she dont know where to go during weekend..She prefer relaxing place and more to nature..She told me Malaysian are crazy for shopping complexes and and she wonder why malaysians like to go to shopping complexes without buying anything..
i must agreed what she says..there is lot of shopping complexes in Kuala Lumpur and other part of malaysia..developer are building more and more shopping complexes..the bigger and more bigger..the wider and more wider..
there is other development they can do,more park where people can relax nd enjoy,more recreations park for extreme sports for teenagers where they can spend their time hanging with friends doing better things.But the developer and local government authority still making new shopping complexes,food court etc etc without thinking other development.
It happened to kampung Boyan area,opposite grand magherita hotel.After houses of Sarawak Riverine demolished..reason is the government want to make waterfront and recreation area.and time pass by,the area which beutified then became mini waterfront where durin evening times,kids playing kites,hide and seek and some teenagers playing football..
But now,there are making food court,the green area no more and replaced by government rent stall..only a little green place left for kids playground.The development then make teenagers have no place to go for their recreational time and the answer what is happened now in big city area like Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru etc etc..
I work in Kuala Lumpur for a few years and i live in flat and apartment area..via Sunway mentari and Vista Angkasa.Living in that area make me sick and dull because here in Kuching ,i used to stay in a house that have a window and tree around me.But living in the apartment,the only window is towards the verandah and living at 10th floor...erkk..and most of social problem came from this type of area..
I cannot blame the teenage and people around,its their life living on that arae make life become so boring and have nothing to do because no place to go..no playground,no open area for sport..only house and development around them..few yeras back,sarawak state government start building flats and apartment via matang and demak jaya area.Phuhh..thre is lot of empty land here in sarawak lo,why must the government build apartment and flathouse.Luckily sometimes around june 2009,Abang Johari did announced the government will stop building apartment and flat.He himself admit the house in apartment is so small and social problem may start from there..hahah ..people should understand this..Like in Kuching i agreed we need more development but during the development process somethings must be retained and hold too..not just demolish the old things and replaced with new one..huhu...
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