Thursday, 6 November 2008

Last day of ceko market

Eventough cekor martket now is closed and waiting for demolished, i think its not to late to post about the old ceko market(sometimes its sound like cekor/cekur) so now the ceko market will become part of hidden history,future generation will know it from what they heard and what they see from internet and pics.

Its the final day from ceko market ,even now(november 2008)this old building wait to be demolished in any time and in near future, government will built the extension of Kuching Waterfront and maybe another so called five star hotel for rich and famous people..

So ceko name will only become history and nostalgia for all of us....

notice to shut down the cekor market which is from 15 June 2008.

a few hours before the closed of cekor market..

this is a protest by one of the hawkers at cekor market that dont want ceko hawkers pull out from that area.Some of the hawkers there have been in business there for more than 40 years and mostly have a strong relationship between them.

this combo pics showing protest by some hawkers against the government/DBKU action moved them to new stutong wet market.According to the hawkers,the location of new wet market is so far from town area,stating that the surrounding of Stutong Area are mainly high and ich people which considered by the hawkers are rarely buy the item from wet market and prefer to buy item from the modern supermarket.

Compare to the old wet market which is Ceko market aresurounded by middle life people from town area and nearby kampung.Furthermore for all this years,ceko is becoming centre attraction for tourists ecspecially from the west.They took pictires and buy some fresh goods and produce there.So.after ceko removed,they will be no tourist attraction there..and of course the tourist dont go to stutong area because the location is far from Kuching City Centre..

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