Saturday, 25 August 2007

Demography : Ethnic In Sarawak

There is more than 20 ethnic in sarawak,me myself maybe know maybe ten of it.based from some article about sarawak,there is 28 ethnic in listed what i know here just for my own information etc etc.All these ethnic divide into three ..Dayak Laut (Sea DayakDayak Darat ( Land Dayak)Orang Ulu (Upriver people) Each part have sub many other races or dialect,take example Orang Ulu ( kayan,kenyah,kelabit...

Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Sarawak : Demographics

Sarawak has more than 40 ethnic groups with their own distinct language, culture and lifestyle. Cities and larger towns are populated predominantly by Malays, Melanaus, Chinese, and a smaller percentage of Ibans and Bidayuhs who have migrated from their home-villages for employment reasons. Sarawak is rather distinctive from the rest of Malaysia in that there is only a small community of Indians living...

Kuching Division : Transportation

Transportation Roads within the town are of a reasonable standard, though traffic congestion often leads to long tailbacks during rush hour, and especially on Saturday mornings. Due to that Kuching is located near the equator, expect potholes to develop on the roads during the monsoon season (usually around the end of the year, coinciding with winter in the northern hemisphere). Roads leading outside...

Sarawak : Kuching Divison

Sarawak (Jawi: سراوق) is one of the two Malaysian states on the island of Borneo. Known as Bumi Kenyalang (‘Land of the Hornbills’), it is situated on the north-west of the island. It is the largest state in Malaysia; the second largest, Sabah,to the northeast. The administrative capital is Kuching...

Saturday, 18 August 2007

Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Sarawak Official State Song

This is sarawak official state song,compose and written by Dato' Haji Wan OthmanIbu pertiwiku ( My motherland)Sarawak Tanah AirkuNegeri Ku Tanah Air Ku SarawakEngkaulah Tanah Pusaka KuTanah Tumpah Darah KuIbu Pertiwi KuRakyat Hidup Mesra dan BahagiaDamai Muhibbah SentiasaBersatu Berusaha BerbaktiUntuk Sarawak Ku CintaiSarawak Dalam MalaysiaAman Makmur Rahmat Tuhan Maha EsaKekallah Sarawak BertuahTeras...


i just checked my many people did view my blogspot, and i just know that we also can check from where the person view my blog.i'm so suprised that somebody in Israel and USA did view my blog...haha who are they and how come they can just spot my anywayif you understand Malay language you can read my blog but for sure i will also blogging in English ..this things look...

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Malaysian Time,Jam Melayu,Jam Jepun,Jam Cina dan Jam Mexico

Sekarang jam menunjukkan jam 11.19 malam waktu malaysia(Malaysian Time).Sebentar tadi dalam lingkungan jam 10 malam aku baru selesai menonton My Team tajaan Hotlink..kiranya pemain amatur yang dilatih untuk melawan pasukan profesional.Tapi aku bukan mahu bercerita tentang Hotlink,Bola ataupun line telephone akan tetapi aku memetik kata-kata dari Bojan(Bukan Bohjan sedara bohsia ataupun Melayu Boyan...

Sunday, 12 August 2007

Jerebu,Panas dan Hujan

akhirnya aku menulis blog dalam bahasa melayu lagi(bukan bahasa malaysia ya) bukannya apa,secara jujur english aku memang tak berapa bagus atau memang tak bagus..kalau baca dan bercakap boleh tapi kalau part menulis halamak..memang hancus and haprak tapi anyway aku akan try jugak memblog dan meng goblok dalam english dengan kata lainnya try to improve my english ..hahahasekarang cuaca di kuching amatlah...