Friday, 31 March 2023

Members of the Penan tribe play traditional music

 Members of the Penan tribe play traditional music outside their village Long Belok ,Sarawak.The Penan of Sarawak, among the world's last nomadic hunter-gatherers who number about 16,000, have mostly abandoned their nomadic ways and settled into villages by the 1970s under the influence of Christian...

Thursday, 30 March 2023

Old Building at Jabatan Kehakiman of Kuching

 During the Japanese Occupation the buildings and roads were neglected,and the only construction works connected with this era is the building shown above which was to be occupied by the Audit Department and the Treasury at the end of India Street.This building blocked what was once of the main...

Saturday, 25 March 2023

Iban men welcoming people

 Another form of welcome is provided by the Iban men of the long house beating a vigifous tattoo on their drums.Hollowed out lengths of tree trunk with monkey skin strained across the top.A thong around the big toe keeps the drum in place.Photo by Hedda Morrison,circa 1950...

Tuesday, 21 March 2023

The henghua Fisherman of Sarawak

 At Belawai,in the delta of Rejang,a Henghua fisherman clean his catch before it is salted and dried.The henghuas a group of people from Fokien province are the best fisherman in Sarawak.They go far out to sea in quite small junks and produce considerable quantities of fish which are partly salted...

Monday, 20 March 2023