Sunday, 31 December 2023

The Iban fighting cocks

 Two of the most treasured posessions of Ibans are children and fighting cocks.They are most enthusiasthic over cockfighting.It may almost beregarded as the national sport for Sarawak.The cocks are carefully rended and are kept tethered at ruai.Photo taken by Hedda Morrisson,circa 195...

Saturday, 30 December 2023

Sunday, 15 October 2023

Padang Central in 1991

 The war memorial gardens with the council Negri (State Legislative Assembly) Centenary Commemorative Fountain at Central Padang.This fountain commemorates the centenary of the Council Negri of Sarawak in the ideals of parliamentary democracy.It was opened by Tun Abg Haji Openg bin Abg Sapiee on...

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Sunday, 17 September 2023

Perahu penambang at Pengkalan panjang

 Perahu penambang waiting for their customer at Pengkalan Panjang,This jetty is where the perahu penambang takes passengers to the jetty at Kampung Lintang  and Sungai Bedil. Around the 1990's and before, this jetty was not only a place for Perahu penambang but various ships stopped here,...

Thursday, 14 September 2023

Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Saturday, 9 September 2023

Thursday, 7 September 2023

Saturday, 12 August 2023

Iban girl greeting people at their longhouse

 When guest arrive at Iban party they are greetd by the girls drawn up on the tanju in all their party linery and ready to press a welcoming drink of tuak on the guests.Sometimes it is very gauntlet which has to be run but by Iban Etiquette the guest may pass his drink back to the girl offering...

Thursday, 10 August 2023

Saturday, 15 July 2023

Salt water ell at Ba Kelalan

At Ba Kelalan,the head of Trusan,there are several salt wells.The salt water is dipped out of the well and carried in lengths of bamboo to a shed where the water is boiled away in a large pots.Formerly,when access to the coast was difficult and dangerous,such salt wells were an important economic asset...

Sunday, 25 June 2023

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

Kelabit girl gossiping in one of the inner rooms

 At Bario,in the heart of Kelabit country,a group of Kelabit girl gossiping in one of the inner rooms.There is little privacy in longhouse life at the best of times but ecspecially in this the case in Kelabit houses where  there are no walls between the various family r the rooms.Like the...

Sunday, 11 June 2023

A Murut girl prepare palm leaf thatch for her longhouse

 A Murut girl prepare palm leaf thatch for her longhouse.There is no ironwood in the Murut country and thatch must be made either from a form of jungle palm or  from wooden shingles which are not a true hardwood and only have a short life.Photo by Hedda Morrisson,circa 195...

Thursday, 8 June 2023

Visisting Sarawak Governor on 1965

 Delegates and observers from Outside Sarawak visited the Official Residence of H.E. the Governor of Sarawak at Astana Kuching,Circa on 30th August 1965.The Sarawak Governor on that time Abang Openg sit on the middle of this delegat...

Wednesday, 7 June 2023

Sunday, 4 June 2023

Thursday, 1 June 2023

Wednesday, 31 May 2023

The Original Well Number 1 Miri

 The Original Well Number 1 Miri,or now known as Grand Old lady located at the top of Canada see the place photo with Oil wife and child during their visit there during 1970's.Now all this place has been renovated and become more clearful and part of Petronas Museum ar...

Monday, 29 May 2023

Outside the Miri Fish market

 Outside the Miri Fish market a large catch of small fish has been dumped because there is no more room inside.The fish are small but they provide a useful food for the poorer members of the community.Fish which are not sold fresh are salted,dried and smoked.Photo by HeddaMorrison,Circa 195...

Sunday, 28 May 2023

History Of Gawai Dayak Day in Sarawak

 "Hari Gawai Dayak" was gazetted as an official public holiday on September 25,1964 and was officially celebrated for the first time in 1st June 1965.The Dayak Community in Sarawak,celebrated the second Dayak Festival day on Wednesday 1st June 1966.In Kuching,the festival day eve was celebrated...

Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Kapit Iban Chief Temenggong Kwok buying drinks from vendors at the entrance of the Gambir Fish Market

 The picture shows the late Kapit Iban Chief Temenggong Kwok (right), buying drinks from vendors at the entrance of the Gambir Fish Market nearby to Cekor Market Circa 195...

Saturday, 20 May 2023

Wednesday, 17 May 2023

The inter room of Land Dayak family

 The inter room of Land Dayak family is small and not particularly tidy.Everything possible is suspended from the ceiling,or hung up on the wall,padi carrying baskets and length of rattan,a mosquito net,hats and rubber latex strainer,while the owner squats below and  weaves himself anew mat.Photo...

Thursday, 4 May 2023

4 building in current Kuching town erected from different times

 4 building in current Kuching town erected from different times.1.Fort Magherita- build in 1850's2.Wisma Bapa Malaysia - Build end of 1970's3.Wisma Pelita - Build end of 1990's4.Dewan Undangan Negeri - Build in 2...

Saturday, 29 April 2023

Friday, 28 April 2023

A group of kedayan girls sell their rubber to a chinese trader

 A group of kedayan girls sell their rubber to a chinese trader in Merapok ,lawas area on the Sabah boarder,With the proceeds they will buy their everyday requirements such as kerosene,salt,cigarettes and matches.The traders weighs the rubber with chinese scale or dacing.Photo by Hedda Morrison,Circa...