Friday, 28 July 2017

Bahagian,daerah dan daerah kecil di Sarawak

Source : Vernon Mullen (1967) The Story of Sarawak, Oxford University Press, Kuala Lumpur. Sekitar tahun 1960an (Pra dan Pasca Pembentukan Malaysia) Sarawak mempunyai bilangan Bahagian daerah yang kecil.Jika dirujuk kepada Peta di atas,sarawak hanya mempunyai sekitar Lima bahagian sahaja pada masa...

Monday, 10 July 2017

Kalan Tok Nan - Redevelopment of Gambier Street and Lebuh Jawa of Kuching Esplanade

Proposed Kalan Tok Nan (Pengkalan Tok Nan /Tok Nan Jetty ) Mix development of  Brooke Dockyard Muzeum Heritage, Apartment,Shopping Mall at Kuching Esplanade of Gambier Street and Lebuh Jawa. Floating Mosque can be seen on the first photo and on the second photo showing Masjid bahagian . ...

Friday, 7 July 2017

Mega Hotel Miri Construction

Mega Hotel Miri (during construction) Circa 1992. A few urban legend related to this Hotel during Construction.When we talk about urban legend,it maybe sound like true but definitely it just maybe a kedai kopi story that started by one person and then added value by another person,then one things...