Monday, 22 August 2016

Opening of Mydin Hypermarket in Kuching

Mydin will be open three new branches in Kuching.First at Bandar Baru Semariang,second at City One and the third one at Vista Tunku. The Opening of Mydin Bandar baru Semariang is on 26th August 20...

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Old Kuching Airport

If you have been to Kuching from 1970's 1980's,1990's , you will be familiar wiyh this scenery. This is some photo of Kuching Old Airport. The new Airport building is still on the same place but more bigger and more accommodation inside. Once,this airport considered partly open aired but...

Sarawak River after the rain

It was hot today but at the end of the day,it's raining like Cats and Dogs.After the rain came the rainbow,End of the rainbow stop at Middle of Sarawak River.Local belief saying that if we go to the end of rainbow,we will find lot of treasure.Never try it before,but who knows it maybe real..he...

Wednesday, 3 August 2016