Sunday, 25 December 2011

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Once Upon a Time - Cekor

Another piece of lost History in Kuching area,part of Cekor /Ceko market.Demolish sometime in 2007 (or maybe 2008) for development of expansion of Kuching waterfront.Now,there is no single trace of CekorMarket here,only waterfront and parking spaces.Only old photos and stories from the old people...

Credit To : Daisy starView from Kuching waterfront.Building of Istana where the official house of Tuan Yang Terutama Gabenor Sarawak.(Sarawak Governor) .On the left side is Kampung Sungai Bedil.if translate to English,Sungai = River ,Bedil = Cannon..i dont know where does the origin of this place came...

Kek Lapis Dayang Salhah

Kek lapis Sarawak adalah satu trademark di Sarawak umumnya dan di Kuching khususnya,terdapat pelbagai jenis Kek lapis dengan pelbagai nama dan gelaran mengikut rasa,warna dan ke kreatifan pengusaha kek lapis.Di antara penguasaha terawal kek lapis di sarawak yang telah menempa nama dan terkenal di seluruh...

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Central Police Station Kuching

Kuching Central Police Station sometime in 1960'sKuching Central Police Station in 2010Central Police Station Kuching considered as one of Historical Building in Kuching,located near to Padang Merdeka..considered as center or central of Kuching area(yesteryear) nowadays Kuching city become bigger and...

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Monday, 5 December 2011

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Padang Pasir di Bandaraya Kuching

Pemandangan Masjid Bahagian Kuching berhampiran dengan kedai Haji Sehat,kedai ini memang terkenal di daerah Kuching di mana ia membekalkan barang-barangan seperti Kari mentah,kerepek asli sarawak dan barangan keperlua lain.Kedai ini sudah beroperasi agak lama dan diterus kan oleh anak-anaknya sehingga...

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Kuching Waterfront new Extension

Right wing of Kuching Waterfront is partly ready, stretch from Beijing Restaurant to Holiday Inn Kuching.more to come in near Future.The new extension of Waterfront is more to walking place,not like the centre of Kuching Waterfront which have ampitheatre,restaurant,cafe,jetty and loafing plac...

Friday, 28 October 2011

Buah Tematuk

Masyarakat tempatan Sarawak menggelar buah ini sebagai buah Tematuk.Juga dikenali sebagai buah pokok Apong iaitu pokok Nipah.Buah yang sederhana masak adalah manis,rasanya seperti Buah Rambutan.Buah ini mudah diperolehi di kawasan tumbuhnya pohon pohon Nipah,namun masyarakat sekarang ramai yang tidak...

Monday, 26 September 2011

Remembering Kuching City Day

Kuching declared as city (Bandaraya) on 1st of August 1988,which is the 4th City declared in Malaysia.This is a list of cities of Malaysia. In Malaysia, there are populated areas which are granted city status by law (bandar raya). However, there are also highly urbanised and populated areas which does...

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Reminiscing the once vibrant Electra House

For more than 15 years, Bujang Keri had been rendering his cobbler service on the sidewalks opposite the Electra House.And he continues to do this till today despite his friends coaxing him to relocate for better business as the number of people visiting the city centre decreases day by day.“Why should...

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Once Upon a time : Ceko

I blog about ceko before.This view taken few years back.Ceko is centre and heart of Kuching City.People around Kuching flock here to buy fresh produce,tourist came here to take photo of wet market that difference from their place.This place alive 24 hours.But now,it replaced by waterfront..just waterfront..Future...

Saturday, 23 April 2011

At bakun damn junction

Berhampiran simpang ke Empangan Bakun di jalan Miri Bintulu..kalau di titik simpang ini,jarak ke bintulu adalah lebih dekat lagi jika dibandingkan dengan Jarak ke Miri,pekan yang terhampir adalah simpang batu Niah..Kedai makan dan stesen minyaknya beroperasi 24 jam.Namun tiada apa yang menarik yang...

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Pigeoan and Sri Aman

Pigeon is Sri Aman town Icon,located at the middle of Sri Aman town.The pigeon is similiar to peace which Sri Aman name came from.Before Sri aman ,this town known as Si Manggang.After the peace talk between Government of Sarawak and Communist Party ,the town known as Sri Aman instead of Si Manggang.Although...

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Saturday, 26 March 2011

This is Sarawak anthem used from 1973 to 1988.Sarawakian born or enter school after that year doesn't sing this sarawak anthem.Sarawak BahagiaSarawak negeriku berdaulat merdekaRakyatnya hidup teguh bersatu paduSemua berazam terus berkhidmat pada negaraSentiasa maju pertiwiBahagialah tanah airkuSarawak negeri yang ku cinta ku pujaUntukmu ku rela korban jiwa ragaAbadikan Sarawak ya Tuhan dalam Malaysia!Words:...

Brooke Dockyard

a not so old photo but part of this area a gone now and replaced with extension of Kuching waterfront.Brooke Dockyard,the dockyard that sound so historical because of the name "Brooke" soon will be demolish to, for another extension of Kuching waterfront.Beside Brooke Dockyard,there use to be "lorong...

Friday, 25 March 2011

Kuching Rex old Cinema

A retro photo of Rex Cinema in Kuching, now the building replaced with Medan Pelita ,consisting of Food court and restaurant,multilevel Parking spaces and Cinema (Star Cineplex).As far as i can remember the Rex building demolished sometimes early or middle 1990's,between 1992 to 1995.It was then when...

DBKU Manhole

Pemandangan yang biasa dilihat di Kuching terutama di kawasan DBKU.Penutup lubang di jalan -jalan baik di tepi jalanraya atau di belakang lorong kawasan Perumahan.Kebanyakkan penutub lubang ini ada jugak yang dah dicuri oleh pencuri besi,yalah masa harga besi melambung naik,semua barang yang dicuri...