Friday, 27 August 2010

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Sunday, 22 August 2010


The niabor is a kind of parang (sword) used by the Iban people of Sarawak in Borneo. In contrast to the mandau, the parang of their neighbours the Kayan people, the niabor is more curved, with a broader tip so the centre of gravity lies nearer the point. Unlike many Bornean weapons, the blade is not...


Mandau is the Kayan term for the parang ilang (‘double knife’), the sword of the peoples of inland Borneo (Malaysian Sarawak and Indonesian Kalimantan). The name refers to the main sword and a smaller, secondary knife, known as a piso raout, stored on the back of the scabbard. Here, this secondary...


A hybrid between the Parang Ilang and the Langgai Tinggang, the Jimpul originated in the second half of the 19th century. The blade has flat sides and is curved. It starts from the hilt with a 4 to 5 cm rectangular shoulder (tamporian), then widens to the point and ends in a slanting angle or a rounded...

Saturday, 21 August 2010

After headhunting ceremony

Dayak women dancing with human heads.A few days after the return of a successful head-hunding expedition, the heads, which have been hacked off the dead bodies, are brought triumphantly into the house. Then follows a time of rejoicing, in the course of which the heads are taken by the woman who, having...

Kelabit tattoed woman

Beaded and tattooed beauties of the Kalabit tribe.All Kalabit women are tattooed when they reach the age of sixteen. Bold zigzag bands are traced on the forearm, not completely encircling the limb, and strikingly decorative geometrical designs are tattooed on the thigh, the shin, and sometimes, on the...

Bukitan people of Borneo

Ukits( Bukitan people) of the Rejang tattoo extensively. A bold hook pattern covers the chest, and a pattern known as the lizard adorns the sides of the shoulders. They wear brass earrings.Bukitan people now are extinct as most of them merge with other bigger tribe and become among th...

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Weapon of Dayak warrior

there are several names to call this blade. Parang Ilang, Mandau, Malat, Baieng.Parang Ilang in fact is the term applied by Malays and Sea-Dayaks to the weapons of the Kayans and allied tribes.The biggest charactaristic is that the blade is convex at one and concave at the other si...

Penyebaran Suku Suku Dayak di Kalimantan

Penyebaran Suku-Suku Dayak di Kalimantan :I.Dayak Ngaju :Dayak Ngaju = 53 suku kecilDayak Maanyan = 8 suku kecilDayak Dusun = 8 suku kecilDayak Lawangan = 8 suku kecilII.Dayak Apu Kayan :Dayak Kenya = 24 suku kecilDayak Kayan = 10 suku kecilDayak Bahau = 26 suku kecilIII.Dayak Heban (Iban):Dayak Heban...