Monday, 30 May 2022

Group of Malay men at Selalang

 Group of Malay men at Selalang in the 3rd Division come to welcome the Governor on an official visit with a Hadrah Performance. Photograph showing a row of men in traditional dress (white trousers and shirts, dark wraps over the top of their trousers, dark neck scarves and caps). They are...

Sunday, 29 May 2022

Saturday, 28 May 2022

Friday, 27 May 2022

Two penambang park nearby Pengkalan Sapi

 Two penambang park nearby Pengkalan Sapi waiting for their turn.This scene is near Pengkalan Sapi before the Darul Hana Bridge was completed. Now,even though there is a bridge, the Penambang here are still active and used by a handful of people who prefer to use it.&nb...

Tua Pek Kong nearby Carpenter Street

 Tua Pek Kong ,located in between Jalan Wawasan and Ewe Hai (Carpenter Street) view from Medan Pelita which located just across this Tua Pek Kong.On top of this building there was Star Cineplex located,which has been operating for the past few years, this cinema is closed after many more cinemas...

Thursday, 26 May 2022

Sky view showing Sungai Santubong and Jalan Sultan Tengah

Sky view showing Sungai Santubong and Jalan Sultan Tengah ,road connecting Santubong to Kuching area.In this view,we can see Family Park,Kampung Rampangi and Bandar baru Semariang,while the river there is a smaller river which is known as Sungai Buntal.This river connecting to Kampung Buntal area.&...

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Tuesday, 24 May 2022

'Washing Sago in Matu' by Hedda Morrison

 'Washing Sago in Matu' by Hedda Morrison,Circa 1948.Photograph showing a woman standing in a large, woven basket, into which she is scooping water from the river. The basket is supported by a timber framed jetty, over the river. More woven containers and bowls sit in the foreground, left...

Thursday, 19 May 2022

Tuesday, 17 May 2022

The Sarawak river at Kuching, the capital of the state

 'The Sarawak river at Kuching, the capital of the state' by Hedda Morrison taken from above, looking upriver of the Sarawak River in the evening. Mount Matang can be seen in the distance, in front of it are buildings, boats and docks n the river.Photo circa 1966.A few different if we compare to...

Monday, 16 May 2022

Kelabit carving bamboo tobacco containers by Hedda Morrison

 Kelabit carving bamboo tobacco containers by Hedda Morrison,Circa 1960's.Black and white photograph showing two men and a boy sitting in a hut, on the matting floor. One man is carving. The two men have tattoos on their arms, which is unusual, few Kelabit men have tattoos. They may have got the...

Tuesday, 3 May 2022

Monday, 2 May 2022

Sunday, 1 May 2022